What Is Temporary Asthma | Know Your Facts

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Temporary asthma is a form of typical asthma in which symptoms go and go from time to time. There are approximately 25 million people in the United States suffering from asthmatic symptoms, with a significant portion of them representing temporary asthma conditions.

In today’s Know Your Facts, we will discuss what this temporary asthma attack condition is, the symptoms that lead to it, and how to deal with it. Read and enjoy the content.

What is Temporary Asthma?

Temporary asthma sometimes referred to as intermittent asthmatic condition, is a respiratory condition that might occur from time to time or unexpectedly.

Although it shares symptoms with asthma, its allergen triggers are extremely different.

Often, if you have temporary asthma, you will only experience symptoms for a few days every week. Most of these symptoms can be treated with minimum or no surgical assistance.

In any emergency, though, you must be prepared for the worst-case scenario.

What Causes Temporary Asthma?

The primary reason causes of temporary asthma cannot be identified. Even so, unlike typical asthma, it is caused by a specific set of factors.

1. Allergens

You may get a temporary allergy syndrome when exposed to allergens such as pollen, dust mites, or animal dander.

More specially, there is a higher chance that you may be exposed to seasonal allergies during the season.

2. Exercising

Increased levels of physical activity obviously require greater oxygen consumption, specifically during exercise.

temporary asthma
Higher physical activity leads to temporary asthma conditions

Thus, there is a higher chance of inhaling allergens than in typical work conditions.
During exercise, your body will normally get weak, leading to wheezing, shortness of breath, and other asthma symptoms.

3. Respiratory illnesses

If you have viral infections in your respiratory system, such as the common cold or influenza, you have a higher chance of getting time-to-time respiratory inflammation.

This inflammation is the primary cause of occasional temporary asthma symptoms.

4. Cold environment

Cold air and atmosphere cause constriction of the airways, which leads to a temporary asthmatic condition.

5. Irritants

Additionally, common irritants such as smoke and air pollution can cause transient asthma symptoms, which is the key trait of the typical asthma type.

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The majority of temporary asthmatic symptoms may vary from person to person. Additionally, their intensity might range from mild to severe.

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There are number of symptoms behind emporary asthmatic conditions

Most of the time, certain symptoms can go away without any treatment, while others require immediate medical attention even if they happen every once in a while.

  1. Shortness of breath
  2. Wheezing
  3. Chest tightness
  4. Coughing
  5. Difficulty breathing
  6. Rapid breathing

Temporary asthma conditions do not require daily medication, as opposed to regular asthma allergies. But, you should always have your medication with you in case of an emergency.

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How to Manage Temporary Asthmatic Conditions

Temporary asthma conditions can be managed by reducing symptoms and using short- and long-term treatments before the disease becomes severe. These are various steps you can take to secure your safety.

1. Identify the Taggers

As mentioned previously, the majority of allergens can be found in the environment. Occasionally, sources may be close.

So, if you get symptoms from time to time, you should ensure that they are properly cleaned or that the actions that lead to them are effectively managed.

The majority of the time, an air purifier is the best way to clean the air in a room. Try to avoid dirty air as much as possible.

Identify the allergens and activities that especially trigger your transient asthma symptoms. And make every effort to avoid them.

2. Take the prescribed medication

The majority of these medications are prescribed to adjust the respiratory system to allergens and reduce inflammation in the airways.

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Follow long term medication strictly

The majority must take or on a routine basis. These medications must be used under the supervision of a physician, and you must ensure that your medication list is regularly updated to reflect any changes in your health.

3. Quick-acting medications -keep in touch

On the other hand, you should always carry quick medication in your pocket in case of an emergency. The majority of them either relax the muscles surrounding your airways or allow easy breathing. 

Temporary asthmatic symptoms are frequently occurring at any time, therefore make sure to stay ready.  

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4. Try  a peak flow meter

The peak flow meter is a device that considers your breathing habit and how well you breathe under current conditions. It is essential that you have the proper equipment to face any challenging weather.

5. Follow the asthma action plan

If you have any form of asthma, the most effective way to manage it is to adhere to a healthcare provider’s recommendations.

Often, it may involve your routine for how you should live your life to combat asthmatic issues. Ensure that you provide an update on your current situation in regard to the given plan.

6. Be active and healthy

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Mental health is also compulsory

Good health is the finest option available you can try. When you are exposed to allergens while exercising, be sure to take the appropriate medications and maintain your exercise program in accordance with your doctor’s instructions.

In addition to your mental health, your social relationships also determine the circumstances around an asthmatic attack.

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