7 Air Purifier Myths Debunked

Air Purifier Myths

Air purifier myths are pretty common after the season of the covid-19 pandemic. Because of solid selling markets and a large number of copycats, many people have a false concept about how air purifiers work and how they should be utilized.

It is a realistic market scenario that any kind of high-selling goods in a large crowd would always encounter.

As part of today’s know your facts series, we are going to bust seven common myths about air purifiers that we all have before purchasing one. Read, and Enjoy.

1. All Air Purifiers Are Equal

It would be the same as arguing that all automobiles are of the same quality. Mostly due to the fact that they are all using the same mode of transportation.

In point of fact, this is not the case. There are many subcategories of air purifiers, each of which is determined by a different set of criteria. As an illustration,

1.1 Depend on the location

There is a wide range of performance capabilities available for purchase in today’s market for air purifiers. Some are movable, while others are adjustable to accommodate a range of room dimensions.

Air Purifier Myths -Air Purifiers differ from the number of reasons

Although the majority of air purifiers are purchased for use in bedrooms, industrial settings have a higher concentration of air contaminants than do home environments.

1.2 Depend on Your Requirement

Air purifiers are designed to eliminate the vast majority of the toxins that can be found in an indoor environment.

Mostly like pet dander, pollens, particle compounds, etc. On the other hand, some of them have been developed particularly to shield people who suffer from allergies from the effects of air pollution.

In addition to that, certain air purifiers may be able to capture volatile organic molecules that are beyond the reach of regular air purifiers.

When dealing with chemicals or in a laboratory, air purifiers need to behave differently than when they are being used in a bedroom. This is particularly important.

1.3 Depend on Interior Technology

The air filtration technology of the majority of air purifiers is comparable. Most of them pass outside air via a variety of filtration systems and are clean based on air contaminants.

The majority of air purifiers use combination air filters, which boost their effectiveness and performance range. Few air purifier filters can be distinguished as:

  1. HEPA filters – H11/H13
  2. Activated Carbon fitters –Honeycomb
  3. Pre-filters – washable / Non-washable
  4. Deodorization filter etc.

Ions are released by certain types of air purifiers in order to capture airborne impurities.

Some of them employ ultraviolet light and ozone to remove impurities from the air that cannot be removed using traditional methods. These are the contaminants that must be removed.

1.4 Depend on Brand

The market value of air purifier brands has a continuous relationship with the products’ performances and prices. The features of a brand might change depending on how far it has penetrated a market.

Always keep in mind that certain brands have the potential to perform better than others over the course of their lifetime.

2. No Air Purifiers are Needed in AC Rooms

The vast majority of people are under the impression that an air conditioner, also known as an HVAC unit, serves the same purpose as an air purifier. In point of fact, you are wrong about that.

The air conditioning system maintains a comfortable atmosphere inside the building by exercising control over the temperature, humidity, and ventilation levels.

Air Purifier Myths – AC rooms also need air purifiers

Alternately, air purifiers are devices that are intended to clean your respiratory system by removing contaminants from the air you breathe. Both of these technologies serve distinct customer comfort-related functions, but to different ends.

An air conditioner recirculates the same airways in a room multiple times while it is working to maintain a consistent temperature in the space.

The inside of air conditioning units is notorious for having a muggy and dreary atmosphere, which makes for a perfect setting for the proliferation of mold.

When a room uses the same air for ventilation over and over again, it will quickly become contaminated with airborne particles.

In light of this, despite the fact that air purifiers create a nice environment, they can be dangerous if they are not cleaned on a regular basis.

3. HEPA Filters are Mandatory for An Air Purifier

The term “HEPA air filters” is frequently used in contexts relating to air filtration. As a consequence of this, the majority of people feel that the air purifier that they should select is one that has genuine HEPA filters that have been approved. In point of fact, it is not.

The majority of uses for HEPA filters are found in the medical field or while working with fine particles that are as small as 0.3-micron level.

It is possible for the side airborne filter to become clogged and full when using these filters in typical homes that have big particles in the atmosphere.

It’s possible that this is an indirect reason for diminished air purifier performance, as well as the necessity to regularly replace quite pricey HEPA filters.

4. Give Protection Against COVID-19

This is an instantaneous case of a false alarm. At the beginning of the process, an air purifier is not adequate to avoid covid-19.

Because the virus can travel through a variety of other channels in addition to just the air, we are required to comply with a range of different medical requirements. In addition, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is itself quite diminutive, is responsible for the transmission of the covid-19 virus.

Air Purifier Myths – Can AIr purifier protect us from Covid -19

Air purifiers that use the most advanced and safe HEPA air filters allow for the passage of particles that are less than 0.3 microns in size, which is approximately three times the size of the typical virus.

On the other hand, air purifiers are able to control the other factors that have the potential to influence the respiratory system, so reducing the likelihood that our vaccination against covid-19 attacks will be compromised.

When relying on a single air purifier, taking even the most basic precautions, such as maintaining social distance and wearing a mask, is always beneficial. This is true even in the absence of a pandemic.

5. Annoyingly Noisy

This is a problem that is relatively common in the community and one that we frequently hear about. The interior design of air purifiers that were on the market a few decades ago was fairly noisy, and the technology that they used was of an older generation.

When it comes to our hearing, anything louder over 85 decibels, often known as dB, is considered to be dangerous.

In point of fact, there is no person who can cover the entirety of this hearing range. Indeed, there are no audible frequencies that differ from one individual to the next. There is also a possibility of a reduction in hearing frequencies as one gets older.

Air Purifier Myths
Air Purifier Myths – Do air purifiers noisy

According to this picture, it is permissible to use any piece of machinery that has a frequency that is lower than the limit of 40 dB throughout the night in front of someone who needs good sleep as long as they are not directly in front of the source of the noise.

It is challenging to endure any frequency that is louder than 85 dB, even when it is the middle of the night.

The most recent developments in technology, however, enable the entire purification process to be finished with fewer amounts of utilities.

In the evening, this noise is reduced to a level that is just 20 decibels, which is very low in comparison to the noise produced by other electrical devices.

6. Air Purifier Operates in a Closed Atmosphere

Air purifiers work just as well in closed spaces as they do in open ones, regardless of the degree of difficulty of the problem. The issue is the degree to which it is effective.

The Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) is almost often calculated into the design requirements of an air purifier before it is built. It is a straightforward representation of airflow multiplied by the efficiency of the air filter, which provides an idea of the air purifier’s optimal room capacity in accordance with its specifications.

Air Purifier Myths – Can air purifiers be used in non-closed rooms

If we are going to use the air purifier in a space that is open, we will observe that it has a higher airflow capacity than we anticipated. Air purifiers typically have their own internal systems that analyze the air quality in the room and regulate the purification process accordingly.

When air purifiers are operated outside of these restrictions, the filters may be quickly exhausted, and the functioning of the equipment may gradually deteriorate over time.

7. Air Purifiers Releasing Ozone

Although this fact is true up to a certain level, the ozone output of these air purifiers is among the lowest of any on the market.

Higher levels of reactivity in the ozone’s extra unstable oxygen molecules can change the chemical composition of any airborne pollutant by attaching it to its surface after release from the ozone.

Air Purifier Myths -Does air purifier produce ozone

Even if they remove contaminants from the air, people might still get sick from being exposed to them, which results in a wide range of medical problems, including chest pain, coughing, and irritation of the throat.

Nevertheless, these air purifiers are being used in the vast majority of industrial locations where there are no human activities.

Keep in mind that the latest ozone-generating technologies used in air purifiers can be found on the market. If this is the case, the product’s specifications will reflect this information.

Myths about air purifiers prevent individuals from using air purifiers or validating their performance. Having knowledge always keep the troubles away from you.

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