Do Air Purifiers Protect You from Coronavirus and Covid-19?

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Air Purifiers Protect You from Coronavirus ? Check this Out

This Article is Updated on – 07/06/2023,  Originally posted on – 17/12/2020

In those challenging times of the pandemic, everyone was looking for effective ways to safeguard themselves and their loved ones from the coronavirus and COVID-19.

One topic that had garnered significant attention was the use of air purifiers as a potential defense mechanism.

In this blog post, we are trying to point out the relationship between air purifiers and coronavirus. Further, we will concern with the common myths attached to these concepts to properly understand this situation.

Do Air Purifiers Protect You from Coronavirus?

First thing first, do you think air purifiers can protect you from Coronavirus? Especially in the pandemic season, people tried lots of indoor protection which even cannot be recommended by the health authorities.

But we all know due to air purifiers are identified as the guaranteed utility of ensuring our atmospheric protection from a number of air pollutants and airborne pathogens.

So air purifiers can right? Before getting that further, let’s check out what is the Coronavirus and Covid-19 for a better understanding.

What is Coronavirus and Covid-19?

Coronavirus is a family of viruses that can cause respiratory illnesses. It ranges starting from the common cold to other serious medical conditions.

Covid-19, short for “coronavirus disease 2019,” is a specific strain of coronavirus that was first identified in late 2019.

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Covid-19 or Coronavirus is the reason led to the pandemic season around the globe

It quickly spread across the world in a short period of time mainly in the year 2020. This causes a pandemic that has had a significant impact on public health and our daily life.

COVID-19, also known as SARS-CoV-2, is a virus that originated in Wuhan, China. World Health Organization records point out that individuals with weakened respiratory systems are at a higher risk of contracting the disease.

Especially the community of adults who have weak respiratory medical conditions are more quickly vulnerable to this and symptoms may lead to serious outcomes even death sometimes.

The virus reason for this pandemic condition is not fully pointed out as airborne. But it can remain active in the atmosphere for several minutes.

Therefore if you are an infected person, you may concern as a carrier for this medical condition. It can easily transmit through your saliva droplet in the atmosphere and release into the air.

It’s important to note that a healthy person can act as a carrier without exhibiting any symptoms. COVID-19 can only be accurately identified through laboratory tests.

Other than treatment for its medical symptoms, the best thing is to take suitable prevention steps to control this situation in the first place.

It is better to,

  1. Wash hands thoroughly,
  2. Use a properly cleaned face mask,
  3. Avoid touching the face.

By maintaining a distance of 1.5 meters from strangers, you can significantly reduce the risk of infection. But recently with this situation neutralized with time, most of the common restrictive guidelines were taken down.

What Were the Common Symptoms of the Covid-19 Condition?

The symptoms of Covid-19 can vary from mild to severe and may appear within 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. Common symptoms include:

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Covid-19 was coming with a number of common medical symptoms
  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Body aches
  • Sore throat
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • Headache
  • Congestion or runny nose

It is important to note that some individuals infected with the virus may be asymptomatic. This meant they show no symptoms at all. This makes it crucial to take preventive measures even if you feel healthy.

How Can We Manage the Coronavirus Impact on Daily Lifestyle?

Managing the impact of coronavirus in our daily lifestyle is crucial to minimize the risk of infection. Here are some recommended measures:

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Make sure to practice proper medical hygiene for better protection
  1. Practice good hand hygiene by washing your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  2. Use hand sanitizers containing at least 60% alcohol when soap and water are not readily available.
  3. Wear a face mask in public settings, especially when social distancing is not possible.
  4. Maintain physical distance from others, staying at least 6 feet apart.
  5. Avoid large gatherings and crowded places.
  6. Clean and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces regularly.
  7. Stay informed about the latest guidelines and recommendations from reputable health organizations.

By getting our lifestyle practice with those basic guidelines, it is easy to control the impact of these types of situations in the first place.

But as mentioned previously with recently most of these restrictions were taken down, and communities around the world experiencing better protection as before 2019.

So, Can Air Purifiers Protect You From Coronavirus?

Air purifiers have been widely marketed as a means to improve indoor air quality. Also, they identified as potentially reducing the transmission of viruses, including coronavirus.

Although you need to know the performance of the air purifiers, it is better to have an idea of their limitations in this case.

Air purifiers equipped with HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters can effectively capture particles as small as the coronavirus. These filters can trap respiratory droplets containing the virus, preventing them from circulating in the air.

Do Air Purifiers Protect You from Coronavirus?
Do Air Purifiers Protect You from Coronavirus?

However, it is important to note that air purifiers alone cannot guarantee complete protection against Covid-19.

The primary mode of transmission for the coronavirus is through respiratory droplets expelled when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks.

In that case, air purifiers can help reduce the concentration of airborne particles. But they do not address direct person-to-person transmission or surface contamination.

Therefore, it was crucial to continue practicing other preventive measures, such as wearing masks, maintaining social distancing, and practicing good hand hygiene during the pandemic season.

Air purifiers can be particularly useful in enclosed spaces with poor ventilation, such as offices, classrooms, or homes.

They can help improve indoor air quality by reducing the presence of pollutants and allergens, creating a healthier environment overall.

When used in combination with other preventive measures, air purifiers can contribute to a comprehensive approach to minimize the risk of Covid-19 transmission.

Do All Air Purifiers Have the Same Level of Effectiveness Against Coronavirus?

Not all air purifiers are created equal when it comes to their effectiveness against coronavirus. The efficiency of an air purifier in capturing particles depends on several factors, including the type of filter used, the air purifier’s design, and the size of the space being purified.

As mentioned earlier, air purifiers with HEPA filters are highly effective in capturing small particles, including the coronavirus.

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Do all types of air Purifiers Protect You from Coronavirus?

Look for air purifiers that are certified to meet HEPA standards to ensure optimal performance. Additionally, consider the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR), which indicates the air purifier’s ability to remove specific pollutants from the air.

It is worth noting that some air purifiers also incorporate additional technologies, such as UV-C light or activated carbon filters, to further enhance their effectiveness against viruses and other contaminants.

However, thorough research and understanding of the specific features and capabilities of an air purifier are necessary before making a purchase.

Where Can I Place Air Purifiers for Better Protection from Coronavirus

The placement of air purifiers plays a vital role in their effectiveness. Here are some guidelines for optimal placement:

Bedrooms: Consider placing an air purifier in bedrooms, as we spend a significant amount of time in these spaces while sleeping. It can help create a cleaner and healthier environment for better rest and recovery.

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Living Areas: Common areas where individuals spend most of their time, such as living rooms or home offices, can benefit from the presence of an air purifier. This helps reduce the concentration of airborne particles and ensures a cleaner breathing space.

High-Traffic Areas: If possible, position air purifiers in areas with high foot traffic, where there is a higher chance of virus transmission. This includes entryways, hallways, or rooms frequently used by multiple individuals.

Near Potential Contaminant Sources: For areas where contaminants may be more prevalent, such as kitchens or pet areas, placing an air purifier nearby can help reduce the spread of particles and odors.

Remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding recommended room size and maintenance guidelines to ensure optimal performance.

Common Misunderstandings You Should Avoid With Covid-19

Misinformation can spread rapidly during a crisis, leading to confusion and potentially harmful behaviors. To ensure you have accurate information, it is crucial to address some common misunderstandings regarding Covid-19:

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Myth 1: Air purifiers alone can fully protect you from coronavirus.

While air purifiers can help improve indoor air quality and reduce the concentration of airborne particles, they cannot eliminate the risk of infection entirely. It was important to follow other preventive measures recommended by health authorities.

Myth 2: Face masks are unnecessary if you have an air purifier.

Air purifiers and face masks serve different purposes. Masks provide a physical barrier against respiratory droplets, while air purifiers help filter particles in the air. Both should be used in conjunction to maximize protection.

Myth 3: Air purifiers can replace proper ventilation.

Proper ventilation is crucial for maintaining good indoor air quality. Air purifiers can complement ventilation systems, but they do not replace the need for fresh air circulation.

Myth 4: Air purifiers are effective against all viruses and bacteria.

While air purifiers can capture and filter many airborne particles, their effectiveness may vary depending on the size and type of the particles.

It is important to choose air purifiers with appropriate filtration systems for specific contaminants.

Myth 5: Air purifiers can prevent surface contamination.

Air purifiers primarily focus on filtering airborne particles and may not have a significant impact on surface contamination.

Regular cleaning and disinfection of frequently-touched surfaces are still necessary.


Air purifiers can play a role in improving indoor air quality and reducing the concentration of airborne particles, including the coronavirus.

However, it is crucial to understand that air purifiers alone are not a foolproof solution for preventing Covid-19.

They should be used in conjunction with other preventive measures such as wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and practicing good hand hygiene.

By adopting a comprehensive approach, we could better protect ourselves and others from the virus and help mitigate the impact of the pandemic.


Q: Can air purifiers completely protect me from contracting coronavirus?

A: Air purifiers can help improve indoor air quality and reduce the concentration of airborne particles. But they cannot guarantee complete protection against coronavirus.

It is important to follow other preventive measures recommended by health authorities, such as wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and maintaining good hand hygiene.

Q: Can air purifiers help reduce the risk of transmission in public places like offices or schools?

A: Air purifiers can be beneficial in enclosed spaces with poor ventilation, such as offices, classrooms, or homes. They can help reduce the concentration of airborne particles, including respiratory droplets containing the virus.

It is important to remember that air purifiers should be used alongside other preventive measures, and ventilation improvements should also be considered.

Q: Do air purifiers eliminate the need for wearing masks?

A: No, air purifiers do not eliminate the need for wearing masks. Masks provide a physical barrier against respiratory droplets, while air purifiers help filter particles in the air. To maximize protection, it is recommended to wear masks in public settings and use air purifiers in enclosed spaces with limited ventilation.

Q: Are air purifiers effective against other viruses and bacteria besides coronavirus?

A: Yes, air purifiers can help reduce the concentration of various airborne contaminants, including other viruses and bacteria. However, their effectiveness may vary depending on the size and type of particles. It is important to choose air purifiers with appropriate filtration systems for specific contaminants of concern.

Q: Can air purifiers prevent surface contamination?

A: Air purifiers primarily focus on filtering airborne particles and may have a limited impact on surface contamination. To prevent surface transmission, it is essential to practice regular cleaning and disinfection of frequently-touched surfaces, in addition to using air purifiers.

Q: How often should the filters in air purifiers be replaced?

A: The frequency of filter replacement depends on the type of air purifier and the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Generally, HEPA filters should be replaced every 6 to 12 months, or sooner if they become visibly dirty. It is important to follow the specific guidelines provided by the manufacturer to ensure the optimal performance of your air purifier.

Q: Can air purifiers help alleviate allergy symptoms related to coronavirus?

A: Air purifiers equipped with HEPA filters can capture allergens such as pollen, dust mites, and pet dander, which may help alleviate allergy symptoms. However, they do not specifically target coronavirus-related symptoms. Although covid situation is neutralized with time, make sure to take suitable medical guidelines if you have symptoms.

Q: Are there any side effects associated with using air purifiers that we should concern about before buying?

A: According to the manufacturer’s instructions, air purifiers are safe. But depending on your medical condition, it is better to take suitable professional guidelines. Also if you are already using one, make sure to clean it, and maintain it properly for better protection.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for guidance specific to your circumstances.

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