Allergy Testing for Pollen Allergies: What You Need to Know

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Allergy testing for pollen allergies is a big requirement in the identification process of pollen allergies. Especially in the spring season.

According to the AAFA, there were over 81 million os US citizens suffering from seasonal allergy conditions and a notable amount of them represent pollen allergies.

Although these allergy conditions start with normal symptoms like sneezing, in severe cases, they can directly impact your life.

Therefore having a proper understanding of allergy testing for pollen is a serious requirement of ours. In this article, we are trying to give a brief explanation behind the fact of allergy testing for pollen, its importance, its types of tests, and more.

What is a Pollen Allergy?

Allergy testing for pollen allergies
Pollen allergies are coming with a number of allergies – Allergy testing for pollen allergies

A pollen allergy condition is an overreaction of our body’s immune system assuming pollen from several types of flowers and trees is an outside harmful substance to our body.

Normally if you are a pollen allergy sufferer, when you are exposed to pollen your immune system releases an antibody called “immunoglobulin E”.

This leads to the release of histamine and other chemicals in the body, causing a range of symptoms such as:

  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy or watery eyes
  • Itchy nose or throat
  • Coughing
  • Fatigue

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Why is Allergy Testing Important for Pollen Allergies?

Allergy testing is not a simple thing as other tests. It gives a proper approvement of your immune system’s reaction against specific allergens.

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Meet your allergist for better guidelines – Allergy testing for pollen allergies

This is essential for the effective management of your allergy.

If you are identified as positive for specific allergies, you can easily take steps to control allergen exposure and minimize the symptoms.

This can include:

  • Staying indoors during the peak pollen season
  • Using air purifiers and filters
  • Closing windows and doors
  • Wearing a mask when doing outdoor activities
  • Taking allergy medication as prescribed by your doctor

How Do You Know if You Need Allergy Tests?

You can get an allergy test if you have previously mentioned symptoms more often. especially in seasonal allergy conditions.

Other than that some people may bring allergy symptoms from family. If your parents have allergies, make sure to do a test for better preparation.

Your doctor can help determine if allergy testing is necessary.

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Common Types of Allergy Tests

If your search online there are a number of allergy testing for pollen allergies methods.

The most common ones include:

1. Skin Prick Test

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Skin Prick Test- Allergy testing for pollen allergies

Normally when you are taken to a prick test, they test your reaction to an allergen sample. They place a small extract sample of the allergen on your forearm or the back side of it.

Then using a needle, these extract prick into your skin by letting enter.

If you are allergic to the allergen, you will develop a raised, red, itchy bump at the site of the prick within 15 to 20 minutes.

2. Blood Test

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Blood Test – Allergy testing for pollen allergies

As previously mentioned, we know IgE antibodies notice in your body as an allergy sufferer when you are exposed to allergens.

In this test, they measure the amount of IgE in your blood when you are exposed to specific levels of allergen.

This test can identify both immediate and delayed allergic reactions.

3. Patch Test

A patch test is used to identify allergens that can cause contact dermatitis.

In this test, they place a small sample of allergy to the arm area of the skin. And using a patch that area is covered for up to 72 hours maximum.

If you have any allergy to an applied specific substance, a rash or any sort of reaction may notice near or around the patch.

What Happens During the Allergy Testing

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Doctors will examine your before the Allergy testing for pollen allergies

Before your test, normally doctors reconsider your medical history and they will perform a physical exam. After considering your results they, approve your eligibility to do an allergy test.

Another specific fact is, if you are already taking anti-histamine medications or other medications which interfere with the final result, need to stop several days before the test under their guidelines.

During the test, the allergen extract is placed on your skin, and the skin is pricked with a needle. The test is usually done on your forearm or back. If you’re allergic to the pollen, you’ll develop a raised, red bump at the site of the prick.

For the blood test, your collected blood sample needs to be sent to labs for further testing.

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  1. Can I develop a pollen allergy at any age?

Yes, although most of the allergies and asthmatic symptoms often notice in the age range of kids to the beginning of their youth, any age range is open to allergy symptoms.

2. How long does the allergy testing process take?

It may vary depending on your test. Most of them only take a couple of hours.

3. Is allergy testing painful?

Skin prick tests can be slightly uncomfortable, but they’re generally not painful. Blood tests involve a needle prick, which can be painful for some people.

4. What happens if I’m allergic to pollen?

If you have allergy symptoms, they can be easily controlled with proper medications and guidelines given by the doctor following the tests.

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Allergy testing for pollen allergies is a helpful technique for confirming your behavior against allergies. With proper treatment plans, and lifestyle you can easily control pollen allergies, even in allergy season.

If you already assume you are symptoms of allergies make sure to take doctors’ guidelines to do proper allergy testing for pollen allergies.

Remember, pollen allergies can be managed effectively with the right treatment plan, so don’t suffer in silence. Seek help from a healthcare professional and get the relief you deserve.

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