Asthma and Smoking | Know Your Facts

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Asthma and smoking are two significant issues with an interesting connection. As you are likely aware, cigarette smoke is a primary cause of asthma, which in turn leads to a long list of other diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke.

Most people are unaware of the dangers of smoking, especially if you or a loved one suffer from respiratory medical diseases such as asthma because smoking is so closely connected to human existence as a terrible habit.

Thus, based on today’s know your facts, let’s explore the nature of the relationship between asthma and smoking and the resulting consequences. Read and enjoy the content.

What is An Asthma Condition

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that is caused by the inflammation of the airways. Due to excessive mucus production, the airways of the vast majority of asthmatics become constricted, making it difficult for them to breathe.

More than 25 million Americans suffer from asthma, which accounts for 8% of the nation’s population. There are several common symptoms linked with asthma.

  1. wheezing
  2. Coughing
  3. Chest tightness
  4. Shortness of breath
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There are a number of symptoms followed by asthma – Asthma and Smoking

The vast majority of causes for difficulty breathing. In addition to the previously mentioned symptoms, the following are also commonly reported by asthmatic patients:

  1. Fatigue
  2. Having trouble sleeping
  3. Anxiety

There are a variety of causes for the onset of asthma symptoms. The majority of these elements are caused by changes in the environment or concerns in the atmosphere, while some are caused by human activity.

  1. Seasonal allergy conditions
  2. Air pollution
  3. Exercising
  4. Obesity
  5. Stress
  6. Cigarette smoke

As discussed previously, asthma is caused by a number of factors, but unhealthy behaviors such as cigarette smoking, which increase the condition.

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What About the Smoking

People engage in the habit of smoking by inhaling and exhaling smoke from cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. The vast majority of these cigarettes on the market have a high concentration of dangerous substances that can enter your bloodstream through the lungs.

The following are common compounds are found in cigarettes.

  1. Nicotine
  2. Tar
  3. Carbon Monoxide
  4. Formaldehyde
  5. Acetone
  6. Ammonia
  7. Benzene
  8. Lead

According to the CDC, smoking is highly common in the United States, with over 12.5 % of adult Americans having a smoking habit.

Nicotine is the substance mainly responsible for the addictive nature of tobacco use. After smoking, nicotine immediately enters the bloodstream and reaches the brain in a matter of seconds. This molecule is able to activate the neurotransmitter known as dopamine, which is responsible for our happiness.

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Anxiety is a common symptom coming with smoking – Asthma and Smoking

With time, you will demand a higher daily nicotine intake to satisfy your dopamine cravings. This is the reason why you are becoming dependent on cigarettes. If you attempt to quit smoking, your body will eventually feel withdrawal symptoms.

  1. Cravings
  2. Irritability
  3. Anxiety
  4. Having trouble concentrating

Which require additional nicotine to retain pleasure. In addition to these effects, smoking continues. It causes a variety of medical issues, including:

  1. Lung cancer
  2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  3. Cardiovascular disease
  4. Respiratory infections
  5. Reduced fertility
  6. Vision problems
  7. Oral cancer
  8. Type 2 diabetes

In addition to physical discomfort, smoking has a direct effect on your phycology

6 Natural Ways to Help Asthma

Relationship Between Asthma and Smoking

As previously said, smoking has a direct impact on our respiratory health, and asthma is one condition that suffers the most.

Because the chemicals in cigarette smoke significantly damage and clog your airways and induce inflammation, it is fairly difficult to breathe.

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There is a notable relationship between Asthma and Smoking

Even if you do not smoke, exposure to secondhand smoke (passive smoking) is more dangerous than smoking. Moreover, children who are regularly exposed to cigarette smoke have a greater chance of developing the respiratory disease asthma with time.

If you already have asthma, smoking will only make it worse. The most common feature of adult asthma sufferers is their smoking habits.

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Why Quitting Smoking is Important for Asthma?

As stated previously, smoking is the asthmatic’s worst nightmare for a number of different reasons. Smoking worsens asthmatic symptoms. Here are some typical reasons why smoking is your worst option.

1. Inflammation

As smoking is to our respiratory system as allergens are. If you have asthmatic symptoms, your respiratory system is weaker than the average person’s.

And therefore, inflammation of the airways is unavoidable for smokers.

This illness is characterized by increased airway obstruction, which presents as asthmatic symptoms.

2. Mucus production

Mucus’s primary job is to capture and block hostile access to our respiratory system as well as air pollutants, dust, allergies, and infections, including bacteria and viruses.

When you are exposed to smoke, your body produces extra mucus to trap the dangerous compounds in the smoke, resulting in the blockage of your airways and asthmatic symptoms.

3. Decrease the lung capacity

If you continue to be exposed to smoke, your lungs will eventually become weakened and you will be unable to breathe normally.

Asthma and Smoking
Smoking reduces the lung capacity – Asthma and Smoking

During exercising or engaging in intense physical activity, your lungs may not provide the necessary oxygen supplement, causing you to feel extremely exhausted.

4. Increase asthma attacks

Smoking increases the likelihood of an asthma episode in a person’s respiratory system. Damage to your body caused by smoking leads to a variety of medical conditions that impair the performance of your immune system. Aside from that, it raises the risk of asthma complications, such as pneumonia and chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD).

5. Decrease the effectiveness of the drug

Asthma and Smoking
Smoking reduces the effectiveness of medicine – Asthma and Smoking

Worst case scenario, if you continue to smoke, your body will be unable to efficiently absorb any asthma treatments. Hence, avoiding asthma attacks is a key requirement if you have asthma.

*Disclaimer – Smoking in images for blog purposes only

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