7 Best Tips for Running with Asthma

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Running with asthma is a topic more serious than you think. If you are dealing with asthma for a long time, you may surely know it triggers your symptoms more than usual.

But we all know exercising is a body requirement and bad health conditions also lead number of different physical conditions. So running with asthma is or is not okay? How can we manage the situation?

From today’s Know Your Facts here are the best 7 tips you can try before running with asthma. Read and enjoy.

1. Consult Your Doctor

Most asthma sufferers watch online videos of exercise programs and follow them without specific coaching for their conditions.

running with asthma
Make sure to inform your doctor before running with asthma

Before engaging in any form of exercise, it is important to understand how dangerous asthma can make jogging. And ensure that doing so is allowed by your doctor’s prescription.

If you have a medical condition, your doctor will suggest an appropriate exercise routine. Always be certain that you stick to that.

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2. Perform Warm-up and Cool Down Exercise

Suitable warm-up and cool-down procedures are essential for anyone who performs a physical activity, especially those with respiratory conditions such as asthma.


When you are warming up, your lungs are able to operate better than usual, which improves their resistance to allergens. These are some standard guidelines for the warmup procedure.

  1. Start with light aerobics

For light cardio exercise, you can attempt slow walking and running. It will gradually raise your heart rate and breathing rate. You can confirm your acceptance of this to proceed.

  1. Practice dynamic stretching

After performing light aerobic exercise, you can stretch your muscles by running. Concentrate on their range of motion and performance to improve their flexibility and mobility.

Always make sure to these stretching exercises are okay with your breathing.

  1. Increase intensity

Warm up additional muscles after stretching for optimal performance. At a certain point, you will feel fit enough to run.

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Stretching up is a major requirement before your running with asthma

Cooling down

In addition, cooling down exercises reduce allergy symptoms and minimize allergen exposure.

  1. Slow down the performance

Do not stop in the exact same spot after running. Be sure to slow down your running rate, which will gradually reduce your heart rate and breathing rate.

  1. Static stretching

After your respiration and pulse rate have normalized, static activity will enhance your muscle flexibility and reduce muscle soreness.

  1. Examine the respiration

All through the process of cooling down, check for any breathing problems or new symptoms.

10 Flowers with Pollen Allergic Risk

3. Use Your Inhaler

Having to keep your asthma inhaler close to your hand is the most effective method. In the event of an emergency, inhaler drugs provide quick relief in a short amount of time.

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Keep your inhaler at a hand distance before running with asthma

Check the inhaler is functioning properly and place it in your pocket or pouch before running. Inform your partner before checking your pocket for your inhaler.

Under your doctor’s prescription, be sure to use the proper inhaler medicine for running. If you experience any discomfort, do not tolerate it, and try your best. Remember to quit any uncomfortable positions and get medical help.

4. Choose the Proper Time and Place

Before running with asthma, everything is a key concern. Appropriate time, proper location, and every other detail are important.

  1. Avoid peak polluted days

Apart from air pollution, the pollen count is the most important allergen to check before a run. Particularly during the spring allergy season, focus on everyday outdoor air pollution.

  1. Relatively cooler days are okay

Early mornings and early afternoons are the optimal times for running with asthma. Most of the allergy symptoms are worsened by hot and humid weather, which is quite uncomfortable and should be strictly avoided.

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Avoid the routes with allergens – Running with asthma

Nonetheless, you should avoid going outside on super cold days that irritate your airways.

  1. Select your route

Other than everyday weather, choose a route with the lowest concentration of air pollutants, such as busy roads, dusty roads, and flower gardens.

7 Common Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

5. Go Slow

If you have asthma and are running, start slowly. Following instructions will be helpful.

1. Start slow

At the start, be sure to start the running process slowly. Allow your body to gradually adjust to the routine.

2. Gradually increase the speed

Gradually increase the duration and intensity of the activity. Do not engage in hard performance that could worsen your symptoms.

3. Measure the heart rate

Always monitor your heart rate to understand your breathing rate. This suggests that you do not engage in intense workout performance.

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Measure your heartbeat when you are running with asthma

If you are exposed to asthma triggers, your respiratory rate will eventually increase.

4. Take frequent breaks

If you are experiencing any discomfort, do not hesitate to take a rest. Running with breaks is a wonderful way to maintain a higher degree of comfort.

5. Examine symptoms

Look for discomfort or allergy-related symptoms when exercising if you are expecting an asthma attack.

Air Pollution and Asthma. What Is the Relation

6. Stay Hydrated

In addition to controlling your asthma while running, keeping hydrated is one of the greatest methods to keep your airways dry and uninflamed, hence avoiding asthmatic symptoms.

These are a few things you must check to stay hydrated.

1. Drink before/during/after a run

Be sure to drink water several minutes before you start running, and then approximately every 15 minutes after running. Running is an activity that dehydrates you more often.

Include a water bottle in your pack and refill it regularly.

2. Try sport drink

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Use sports electrolytes before running with asthma

In addition to regular fluids, sports drinks contain electrolytes, which are highly beneficial for energy-requiring activities. Before selecting a sports drink, make sure to get your doctor’s guidance.

3. Avoid alcohol and caffeine

These alcohol and caffeinated beverages are harmful to your health since they dehydrate you and are not harmful while running.

4. Minor your urine

Urine color is an indicator of hydration. If your urine is white or pale yellow in hue, you are usually well-hydrated. But, if your urine is dark yellow, you may be dehydrated.

What Is Asthma Attack in Sleep | Know Your Facts?

7. Run with A Partner

Having a running partner is an essential need if you have asthma and run. In an emergency, you require medical help for your problems.

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Partner is mandatory before running with asthma

Before running, inform your companion of the following measures for increased safety.

  1. Asthma condition and its symptoms
  2. Asthmatic triggers
  3. Required medication
  4. Emergency plan
  5. Pace and distance

Remember that you communicate with your partner while running so that he or she is aware of your current condition.

However, you do not perform as well as your partner, which pushes you to push yourself and worsens your symptoms.

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