CADR Value of Air Purifiers: What You Need to Know

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CADR value of air purifiers is one main factor your should concern about before selecting an air purifier for your medical condition.

Air purifiers have become a need for many households, especially those with allergies or respiratory issues. But how can you determine which air purifier to buy?

This article explains what CADR is, why it is significant, and how to interpret CADR readings while shopping for air purifiers.

What Exactly is CADR?

Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR Value of Air Purifiers) is the abbreviation for Clean Air Delivery Rate. It is a ranking system created by the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) to evaluate the efficiency of air purifiers.

The CADR rating indicates how quickly tobacco smoke, pollen, and dust may be removed from the air by an air purifier.

Why CADR Value of Air purifiers is Important?

CADR is essential since it allows you to determine how well an air purifier can clean the air in a room. A higher CADR rating indicates that the air purifier can purify the air more quickly and efficiently.

Selecting an air purifier with a higher CADR rating is crucial if you have a larger space or wish to clean the air faster.

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How is CADR Determined?

The unit of measure for CADR is the cubic feet per minute (CFM). AHAM tests air purifiers in a 1008-square-foot (28.3-square-meter) room to determine its CADR rating.

CADR Value of Air Purifiers
Determining the CADR Value of Air Purifiers

The air purifier is activated and allowed to operate until it has purified the air to a specified degree.

The CADR rating is then determined depending on how rapidly the air purifier cleaned the room’s air.

CADR Value and Air Filters

The CADR value of an air purifier can be affected by the type of air filter utilized. HEPA filters, for instance, are renowned for their effectiveness in removing airborne particles.

A HEPA filter-equipped air purifier may have a higher CADR rating than one with a less effective filter.

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Interpreting CADR Values

Typically, CADR values for cigarette smoke, pollen, and dust will be displayed on air purifier packaging. The greater the CADR value for each pollutant, the more effectively the air purifier eliminates that pollutant.

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Interpreting CADR Value of Air Purifiers for different air pollutants

For example, assume that you got an air purifier that mentioned CADR values as:

  • Tobacco smoke – 300
  • Pollen – 250
  • Dust – 200

It says This air purifier is capable of cleaning installed indoor areas in 10 minutes for:

  • 300 sq. ft room for tobacco smoke
  • 250 sq. ft room for pollen
  • 200 sq. ft room for dust


Note: CADR ratings are based on AHAM’s established testing parameters, which may not be the same as your home’s conditions.

Another important fact is air purifiers’ performance varies on the space of the room, which means ceiling height, room size, and air pollution in the area in which you live.

Most of the time air quality-specific locations where of air purifier is going to place are a critical factor in the purification.

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How to Determine the Appropriate CADR Value for Your Room?

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Determine the suitable CADR Value of Air Purifiers for your need

While selecting an air purifier, it is essential to consider the size of the room in which it will be used. The AHAM suggests selecting an air purifier with a CADR rating of at least two-thirds the room’s size.

If your room is 300 square feet, you will need an air purifier with a CADR rating of at least 200.

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Can an air purifier have CADR values for multiple types of contaminants?
A: Several air purifiers have CADR readings for numerous pollutants kinds, including tobacco smoke, pollen, and dust.

What is the distinction between CADR and CFM?
A: CFM refers to the amount of air that an air purifier can move through the unit in one minute. CADR, on the other hand, measures the precise quantity of clean air an air purifier can give per unit of time.

All air purifiers have CADR values, right?
A: No, not every air purifier has a CADR rating. If you’re searching for a high-quality air purifier, however, you should select one that has been tested and certified by a third-party organization like the AHAM.


In conclusion, CADR value is an essential factor to consider when selecting an air purifier. It might offer you an indication of the purifier’s ability to remove contaminants from indoor air.

Consider the size of the room you’ll be utilizing the air purifier in, as well as the CADR values for the specific types of pollutants you’re concerned about while buying an air purifier.

Also, keep in mind that not all air purifiers are made equal; search for one that has been certified by a credible third-party organization such as the AHAM.

With these considerations in mind, you may select an air purifier that will aid in maintaining clean and healthy indoor air.


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