Seasonal Allergies in Pets | Know Your Facts

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Seasonal allergies in pets also known as atopy are a common situation among animals after the beginning of the spring season.

Same as us, they also show a number of symptoms regard on their allergies, and sometimes they are getting worst with peak days of the environmental allergens.

If you are also a pet person you surely have experience regarding this in allergy season. From today’s Know Your Facts we are going to talk about these seasonal allergies in pets, what can we do about them, and more. Read and enjoy.

What Are the Common Symptoms of Seasonal Allergies in Pets?

Same like humans, pets also show allergy symptoms after they are exposed. But more commonly owners do not care about them properly due to animals always being exposed to injuries scratching and inflammations on their skins.

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Identify the seasonal allergies in pets your the symptoms

Here few common symptoms you can notice.

  1. Excessive scratching, biting, or licking of the skin
  2. Infected skin
  3. Boot scoots or licking their anal glands
  4. Excessive shedding
  5. Red and irritated ears
  6. Runny eyes and nose
  7. Respiratory issues like sneezing or wheezing

Depending on the type of your pet, symptoms might vary.

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Reasons Leading to Seasonal Allergies in Pets

With the beginning of the allergy season, animals also get exposed to the allergens in the environment more quickly than us.

Normally pets are quite low in hygiene compared with humans and roaring everywhere they can easily get sick and spread those allergens all over your place.

Here are a few common allergens that are leading to seasonal allergies in pets.

1. Pollen

Pollen from different sources like flowers, weeds, grasses, or trees can easily lead to allergic reactions in your pets depending on the type of pollen that the pet is allergic to.

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Pets bring pollen from outide after quick walk

Not only in the season of spring, but symptoms caused by pollen allergies can also arise even in summer or fall.

2. Mold

Mold spores also can easily spread through the pets and they also get time to get risk depending on the seasonal conditions.

More often in winter and fall mold spores are highly spreading in indoor areas wall the moisture available in places like walls. Due to its lightweight and easy remain on the pet’s coat.

3. Dust Mites

Whenever your pet is exposed to the dust, these tiny creatures can easily interact with your pets, bite and cause allergies.

It is quite common that pets lay on the floors and ground while resting or playing and are often exposed to dust mites.

4. Food Allergies

Same to seasonal allergy conditions in pets, food allergies also can give medical conditions from time to time depending on your pet.

Normally most types of pets are quite safe with foods but some of them show allergies to a minimal level.

5. Flea and Tick Bites

Seasonal Allergies in Pets
Tick allergies are common among pets

Tick bites and fleas cause several allergens in pet bodies which is leading to hair loss and itching in the skin more often.

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How Do You Treat Seasonal Allergies in Pets

Giving pills to your pet is a practical and most recommended way of facing the allergies under proper veterinary guidance.

But as a home remedies here are some easy steps you can try to control the allergy control the allergy condition at first place.

Here are some remedies you can try:

1. Frequent Baths

Cleaning is one of best ways to get rid of allergens in regular periods.

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Clean them regularly

Other than removing pollens and common type of reasons behind allergies, bathing smooth their skin and minimize the itching, inflammation the skin. Also make sure to shampoo recommended for pets specially.

2. Wipe Off the Coat and Paws

Other than bathing, cleaning it daily after outside walk is the best thing you can try. Although daily bathing is not quite easy and cleaning their coat and paws is practical if you are a busy person.

Most of the times, pets bring allergens attached to their coat or paws when after small walk.

3. Avoid Allergens

Other than cleaning them, try to minimize the exposure to allergy sources outside. Mostly in allergy seasons.

Animal are not aware about their weakness in allergies, but owners you should have a proper responsibility to minimize that exposure.

4. Allergy shots

Most of the dogs get allergy shots at their young age. After proper therapy, dogs are identified as their reaction to allergies which can be noticed in first three years.

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Make sure to get proper treatments under guidance of your vet

Same like human its quite relief to them quite helpful face the allergens with their growth. Always make sure to go with proper treatment plan with allergy shot in future.

5. Invest On an Air Purifier

Air purifiers are best option you can try to keep your indoor atmosphere clean and keep your pet allergy free environment. It also quite beneficial to capture the small pet dander in the indoor atmosphere.

Most of the pet owners use air purifiers in seasonal allergy condition to make sure their family and pet protection same time.

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