Air Pollutants in Water | Know Your Facts

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Air pollutants in water are not a quite familiar concept due to air and water being different mediums and need to separately concern their operations.

But guess what. Our entire eco-system is attached to each other and any simple change in one cycle indirectly impacts on others in large scale.

Air pollution is on another hand one of the main catastrophes in our time which directly impact our breath, our health, and briefly our existence.

So let’s what are these air pollutants in water, how can they impact us, and how can we get rid of them. From today’s Know Your Facts let’s talk about Air pollutants in water. Read and enjoy the content.

Common Air Pollutants in Water

Because of its widespread throughout the atmosphere and facile mixing with any existing cycle on the planet, air pollution is regarded as one of the primary causes of ecosystem failure. It can also have a direct effect on water bodies, which has an indirect impact on the coexistence of all living organisms on Earth.

There are numerous air contaminants that are able to attach to water molecules and affect their quality. Here are four common air pollutants on top of this list.

  1. Carbon Dioxide
  2. Sulfur Dioxide
  3. Nitrogen Oxides
  4. Particle Matter

1. Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide is one common air pollutant that often can be found in the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Although there is another type of harmful air pollutant existing, with the burn of hydrocarbon, carbon dioxide is one most commonly release into the atmosphere.

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Fossil burns add tons of air pollutants to water bodies daily

Normally most water-soluble gases are creating an equilibrium between water bodies by dissolving. Also, gases in the upper atmosphere can easily mix up with the rain and lead to create low concentrated acids.

But carbon dioxide is capable of creating carbon acid (H2CO3) which is low in acidity and cannot a notable amount of damage to us.

But overall it does the main role in maintaining the acidity in water bodies as suitable to the atmosphere and water cycle.

What Do You Know About Carbon Monoxide Pollution?

2. Sulfur Dioxide

Sulfur dioxide is another main air pollutant that reason to acid rain more often. Sources like fossil fuels, such as coal and oil are the main reason release sulfur dioxide after combution of sulfur, and the eruption of the volcanos also adds tons of this air pollutant in a short period of time.

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Volcano eruption is a key factor in adding air pollutants to water

When this dioxide reacts with water at the atmospheric level creates sulfuric acid which is diluting with rainwater. When this air pollutant is in water, it directly leads to devastating effects on aquatic ecosystems.

Compare with Carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide is capable of converting the water bodies to less pH which directly impacts humans as consumers and every beneficiary from that.

3. Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)

Nitrogen oxides are another main involvement as air pollutants with water quality. Mainly there are Nitrogen oxide and nitrogen dioxide in this list which is leading with form nitric acid when it combines with rainwater.

Nitrogen compounds can also contribute to the growth of harmful algal blooms, which can make water unsafe for swimming and can harm aquatic life.

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Acid rains degrade the metal surfaces

Also same with sulfuric acid, nitric acid with rain gives harmful outcomes overall.

  1. Acids rains are quite harmful to forests and tree growth by dissolving nutrients, such as magnesium and calcium
  2. Release the Al from soil which makes it difficult to absorb the water to trees
  3. Acid rain strips the nutrients from the leaves and needles which decays the tree fast
  4. Acid rains are leading to respiratory diseases like asthma or chronic bronchitis
  5. Acid rain can also degrade many objects, including buildings, statues, monuments, and cars, and reduce their value.

Side effects of acid rain impact every living organism on that cycle in different ways.

4. Particulate Matter

Particulate matter also known as particulate pollution is another serious issue leading to break of the water quality on earth. This may include a variety of pollutants such as heavy metals and pesticides.

Also some common levels of particles like dust, dirt, soot, and other small particles. As air pollutants in water bodies, they can directly be harmful to life in water bodies and human consumption.

And another serious condition caused by PM is the formation of algal on a large scale. When algae spread through the water bodies it controls the fall of the sunlight into the water and the oxygen level in the water. Also, higher toxicity levels directly lead to fish kills and other ecological damage.

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Eutrophication is a common condition caused by air Pollutants in water

Also when this growth of the algae is controlled by the excessive amount of nutrients which are added by the air pollutants in water.

This can lead to the overgrowth of algae and other aquatic plants, which can deplete the oxygen levels in the water and harm aquatic life. This condition is known as eutrophication.

How to Manage the Air Pollutants in Water Bodies?

As previously mentioned air pollutants do not impact us not only through our breathing but also it can indirectly impact us through the water we consume. Other than an influence on drinking water, its influence on the entire ecosystem needs to be managed by the major contribution of mankind. This can be categorized as long-term and short-term plans.

1. Use the Technology

Using technology is the one of effect and practical ways of managing the air pollutants in water bodies. Most of the time we can use scrubbers, and air filters to control this situation in the first place.

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Staying with technology is a new path to control the air pollutants in water bodies

More efficiently most of the latest power plants and other industrial facilities use advanced technological steps to control the emission of pollutants under the regulation of government bodies.

Practically this is a long-term solution when compared with tons and tons of air exhaust released by the industrial sector.

7 Tips to Reduce Air Pollution

2. Clean the Air Polluted Water

One practical method of controlling air pollution is to bubble the emitted air through the water bodies. It method is controlling the polluted air released by absorbing it into another medium.

But sometimes people do not tend clean that properly to get rid of the pollutants in water. They directly release it into the environment water bodies keep maintain that pollutant level.

3. Energy-Efficient Appliances

The main reason behind the development of air pollutants is energy formation. Lately, people have into green energy concepts after sustainable development goals developed as a global concept.

Day by day the consumable amount of energy contributes to world energy needs by fossil fuels are getting reduced.

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Green energy will minimize air pollution near future

Green energy will control the air pollutant emission eventually which minimizes the impact on the water bodies on the other hand.

Additionally, using energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs, and properly disposing of household chemicals can also help reduce the number of pollutants released into the air.

4. Monitor Water and Air Quality

One practical way of updating the community about the water and air quality minor it time to time. Through regular testing, and identifying the patterns we predict the future impacts and take the required precautions in the first place.

By updating their behavior, customers or the community may direct messages to control situations more notable level.

5. Set the Rule and Regulations

Properly set up rules and regulations are the best option to protect our ecosystem at a notable level.

Other than a single person try, authorities can aware a community and enforce them toward a single goal on a larger scale or even at a global level.

What Do You Know About Air Pollution from Cars?

What Are the Six Criteria Air Pollutants?

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