5 Facts Need to Concern Before Select an Air Purifier

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Before select an air purifier people quite into its price, rather than its performance or cover their requirements.

Non-properly selected air purifiers do not operate as stated on the label, regardless of how expensive or well-known they are on the market.

If you disregard the correct selection criteria, second-hand expenses like electricity bills, filter changes, and maintenance costs could be rather costly.

In today’s Know Your Facts, we will discuss the five most important factors to consider before select an air purifier based on your needs. Read and enjoy the content.

Five Main Considerations Before Select an Air Purifier

1. Consider the purification Requirement of air purifiers

2. Calculate its room size and CADR value

3. Consider its daytime and nighttime noise separately

4. Concern about its filtration type

5. Concern about Negative impacts

Just buying an expensive air purifier due to the sudden rise of air pollutants is not an answer to all questions.

Properly selected and well-maintained air purifiers keep you always from most air pathogens and unwanted bills all the time.

What Are Your Requirements?

Before choosing an air purifier, the variance of air purifier requirements is far greater than you may realize.

Most people choose them as a domestic necessity and do not compare them to other air purifiers on the market. Here are Lassowond’s suggestions to consider before purchasing an air purifier.

1. For Your Bedrooms

These are the most prevalent air purifiers on the market. They have a conventional air filtration system, so no advanced planning is necessary.

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Air purifier for your home – Before select an air purifier

But before choosing it, additional considerations must be considered.

2. For Your Car

The most appropriate category for this category is portable air purifiers, although they should not be larger than we can carry.

Some workplace desks and exercise environments use them as personal equipment that is significantly heavier than anticipated.

Portable air purifiers include a more straightforward filtration technology and rechargeable battery arrangement.

The majority of these portable devices use non-rechargeable batteries, although others use USB-based rechargeable power systems.

3. For Your Office

The majority of office air purifiers are oversized and cover a larger area than usual. Due to a greater number of persons requiring care through them, workplace air purifier filters are depleted in a shorter amount of time.

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Air purifier for your office – Before select an air purifier

Most office purification standards are not as extensive as those in other domestic locations. Because nearly all of these office spaces have central air filtration systems that are better monitored.

4. For laboratory or Medical conditions

Unlike typical household settings, laboratories and medical facilities are packed with airborne diseases and toxic chemical odors.

Before select an air purifier
Select your air purifier for your Lab – Before select an air purifier

Additionally, unlike conventional household spaces, the air purification procedure must ensure a higher level of sanitation.

Depending on your needs, the performance of air purifiers may vary, so choose wisely to reduce your expenses.

2. Calculate Room Size and CADR Value

Before select an air purifier, this is the most important calculation to perform. Air purifier performance is closely related to the size of the room.

In terms of air purifier performance, the CADR value is an important metric to consider before select an air purifier. First, let’s consider the size of the room.

Normally for the measure, you need to concern about following guidelines.

Add a heading 2
Measure the area of the room

  1. Rooms size = Length x Width
  2. Measure in feet units
  3. Only consider floor area
  4. Neglect and room hindrances

What is CADR value?

Before select an air purifier, CADR value is a must concern factor you should go through before buying a one. CADR stands for Clean Air Delivery Rate and is measured in cubic feet per minute (cubic meter per minute).

It is a unit offered by the manufacturer to identify the efficacy of an air purifier against a specified set of air contaminants. The following table provides the optimal CADR value for your space based on its dimensions.

Room Size (sq.ft)CADR value (cfm)
Room size vs CADR value

The greater its worth, the more space it cleans in a given period. However, do not select air purifiers with significantly greater efficiencies that accept additional results than planned.

It always increases the utility bill. Therefore, keep your measures under check.

3. Consider Day and Night Noise Separately

Despite the fact that noise is not regarded as a significant consideration, air purifiers are regarded as equipment that runs 24 hours a day,

7 days a week, and even during the night. Therefore, every noise rise of it is substantially irritating.

According to scientific research, the range of human hearing is 0 to 180 dB. Typically, anything louder than 85dB is deemed harmful to human hearing.

In reality, nobody can cover the entirety of this hearing range. There are in fact no audible frequencies between individuals.

For air purifiers, there are certain factors behind the generation of noise.

  1. Frequency of the number of waves emitted in a certain period by the purifier
  2. Noise depends on the amount of energy consumed or the size of the air purifier machine
  3. Filters lifetime and amount of impurities clogged inside
  4. Noise depends on the amount of energy consumed or the size of the air purifier machine
Human hearing Region – Before select an air purifier

According to this illustration, nighttime use of any instrument with a frequency below the 40 dB threshold is acceptable.
And it is difficult to tolerate any frequency beyond 85 dB, especially at night.

The majority of household electrical equipment is not designed to have significantly larger vibrations, yet the majority of outdated air purifiers have an uncomfortable noisy influence on our sleep.

  1. Domestic spaces require quiet air purifiers most of the time
  2. Office spaces and daytime operating locations are acceptable relative to silent air purifiers
  3. Industrial areas do not require much attention to air purifier noise. However, noise-making air purifiers are not suggested in general

Most air purifiers’ noise level have mentioned on the label of utility or its manufacturers’ guidelines.

4. Consider the Air Filter Type

Air purifiers are not directly doing the air purification process through a single setup. From one to one each air purifier has contained different filtration processes.

Air FilterFiltering Pollutants
HEPA filtersRemove at least 99.97% of dust, pollen, mold, bacteria, and any airborne particles with a size of 0.3 microns (µm)
Activated Carbon air filtersRemove volatile organic compounds (VOCs), odors, and other gaseous pollutants from the air
Ionic generatorFilter Ultra-fine particles
Ultraviolet filterRemove living pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and mold spores
Ozone generatorRemove airborne particles, chemicals, mold, viruses, bacteria, and odors
Filter vs Filtering air pollutants

The majority of these air pollution filters are not operating independently. They are a combination of air filters that eliminate the vast majority of air contaminants.

But before choosing an air purifier, it is possible to categorize them according to their performance.

Based on your primary requirement, make the best choice after surfing in each section.

5. Concern about Negative Impacts

Air purifiers are good utilities that are quite useful in bad atmospheric conditions in both domestic and industrial locations up to a significant level.

But there are a number of defects you should consider when you select an air purifier.

1. Some Air Purifiers have Health concerns

Although all air purifiers purify the air, some emit harmful air pollutants, such as ozone at ground level.

Before select an air purifier
Some air purifiers release air pollutants like ozone – Before select an air purifier

Before selecting an air purifier, this factor should also be considered. However, most air purifiers are safe to use.

2. Cost with filter replacement

Except for ionizers and UV air filters, most air filters must be periodically updated or cleaned. In addition to air purifier costs, periodic air filter costs should also be included.

This may occur every 3, 6, or 9 months, depending on the air pollution level.

3. No 100% protection

Although we imagine that air purifiers thoroughly clean the indoor environment, this is seldom the case.

Each air purifier has multiple filter configurations, and each has its own weaknesses against certain air contaminants.

Before choosing an air purification system, you must consider the possibility of minimal deviation.

Before select an air purifier, do your own research. These Lassowond recommendations are for your guidance and convenience.

Top 5 Air purifiers Made in USA – Read More

Best Ozone-Free Air Purifiers in 2022 – Read More

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