Category Archives: Health Care

Check out our Health Care category in KNOW YOUR FACTS blogs collection in Lassowond

What is a Medical-Grade Air Purifier?

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Medical-grade air purifier is a common term you often find while you are searching for air purifiers online. By considering the word “Medical grade” all of us are quite into them assuming they cover the most harmful atmospheric pathogens same as hospital air purification. Can medical-grade air purifiers do better? If so how do other […]

What Is the Sports-Induced Asthma Condition?

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Sports-induced asthma condition is an asthma condition we can face while engaging in sports or high physical activity mostly in the outdoor areas. In contrast to the typical conditions associated with asthma, playing sports results in a greater volume of capacitive air intake in a shorter amount of time. Therefore, this instantly increases exposure to […]

5 Facts Need to Concern Before Select an Air Purifier

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Before select an air purifier people quite into its price, rather than its performance or cover their requirements. Non-properly selected air purifiers do not operate as stated on the label, regardless of how expensive or well-known they are on the market. If you disregard the correct selection criteria, second-hand expenses like electricity bills, filter changes, […]

Air Quality During Christmas Season

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Air quality during Christmas season is rapidly changing with climate change and its celebrative lifestyle. With cooking, house cleaning, and a winter festival atmosphere, everyone spends the majority of their Christmas season indoors. We are all aware that the likelihood of indoor air quality deterioration is greater than outside. Therefore, you should be most concerned […]

Best 8 Hypoallergenic Pets for People with Allergies

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Hypoallergenic Pets for People with Allergies is a controversial topic when mainly concerned about allergy patients’ health far more seriously. But everyone deserves to be happy with their close ones even though they have any sort of medical condition. But when you have allergy concerns, your life with pets may be extremely uncomfortable. Also, the […]

Types of Air Purifiers – Know Your Facts

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Types of air purifiers need to be concerned before going with instincts in the selection process of air purifiers. These purifiers have been divided into a large number of distinct categories, the majority of which are based on the requirements of the user, the configuration of the filters, the size of the room, etc. However, […]

7 Tips to Reduce Air Pollution

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Reduce air pollution is a controversial topic in society with upraising industrial development and unstoppable human requirements. Although there are plenty of projects and plans carried out by thousands of international organizations throughout the world, there are daily awareness programs held by most of the media channels in every continent; the majority of the world […]

10 Easy Tips to have Good Night Sleep

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Good night sleep is the only aim of life after the end of the cracked stressful day. Unless it is party night on the weekend, a good night’s sleep will result in a fantastic day in the morning. A good night’s sleep has been linked to a variety of medical illnesses, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, […]

How Can We Protect Children from Air Pollution?

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Protect children from air pollution has become a major topic throughout the world with raising air pollution and industrial raise up. When discussing air quality and air pollution, children are one of the age groups we often overlook. They should also be given the same level of priority as allergy sufferers, the elderly, and those […]

8 Benefits of Getting Clean Air

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Benefits of getting clean air are the main motivation, with upcoming air pollution worldwide. People are concerned about the number of nightclubs in the area, but they pay the least amount of attention to the well-being locations of the surrounding atmosphere. Variation in the air quality of the residential area has a substantial effect on […]