Most Popular Types of Air Purifiers-Know Your Facts

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Popular Types of Air Purifiers: For Your Knowledge

This Article is Updated on – 26/06/2023, Originally posted on – 27/12/2020

Air pollution is a growing concern in today’s world. With harmful pollutants present both indoors and outdoors, it critically impacts our lifestyles.

To combat this issue and ensure cleaner air for ourselves, air purifiers have become increasingly popular. They help remove impurities from the air by making it healthier to breathe.

In this article, we will explore the most popular types of air purifiers available in the market today and their unique features.

HEPA Air Purifiers: Filtering Out the Finest Particles

HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) purifiers are among the most sought-after types in the market.

Popular Types of Air Purifiers
HEPA Air Purifier Replacement Filters -Popular Types of Air Purifiers – Image Credit

These purifiers utilize a dense filter made of fine fibers to trap microscopic particles, including dust, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, and even some bacteria.

The HEPA filter captures 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns, ensuring cleaner air for allergy sufferers and those with respiratory issues.

These purifiers are highly effective in removing common allergens from the air, making them a popular choice for households.


  • Highly effective in capturing and filtering out small particles, including dust, pollen, pet dander, and mold spores.
  • Removes common allergens from the air, making it ideal for individuals with allergies or respiratory issues
  • Improves indoor air quality by reducing airborne pollutants and irritants
  • Can help create a cleaner and healthier environment for people with asthma or other respiratory conditions
  • Suitable for households with pets, as it effectively captures pet hair and dander
  • Widely available in various sizes and models to cater to different room sizes and purification needs
  • Widely available in various sizes and models to cater to different room sizes and purification needs
  • HEPA filtration is a trusted and well-established technology for air purification


  • May require regular filter replacement, adding to maintenance costs.
  • Some HEPA purifiers can be noisy, especially on higher fan speed settings
  • HEPA purifiers are typically more expensive compared to other types of air purifiers
  • May not effectively eliminate odors or certain volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
  • HEPA filters are not washable and need to be replaced according to the manufacturer’s recommendations
  • Larger HEPA purifiers can take up significant space in a room
  • Larger HEPA purifiers can take up significant space in a room
  • Some portable HEPA purifiers may have a limited coverage area.

Activated Carbon Air Purifiers: Eliminating Odors and Chemicals

Activated carbon purifiers specialize in removing unpleasant odors and harmful chemicals from the air.

activated carbon fitlers
Activated carbon air purifiers – Replacements filters Image Credit

They feature a bed of activated carbon that absorbs various gases and odorous substances, such as smoke, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and cooking odors.

These purifiers are particularly beneficial for individuals living in urban areas with high pollution levels or those who are sensitive to strong smells.

Additionally, activated carbon purifiers work well in tandem with other air purifiers to provide comprehensive air purification.


  • Effective odor removal
  • Chemical and gas removal
  • Safe and environmentally friendly
  • Long lifespan
  • Complementary to HEPA filters


  • Limited particle filtration
  • Regular replacement required
  • Cost
  • Size and portability
  • Limited effectiveness for allergens

UV-C Air Purifiers: Attacking Germs and Microorganisms

UV-C air purifiers incorporate ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) technology to combat bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms present in the air.

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UV air purifiers use UV-C light to remove airborne pathogensImage credit

These purifiers emit ultraviolet light that damages the DNA of microorganisms, preventing them from reproducing and rendering them harmless.

UV-C purifiers are especially effective in eliminating airborne germs and reducing the spread of illnesses, making them popular choices for hospitals, clinics, and homes where maintaining clean and sterile air is crucial.


  • Effective against germs and microorganisms
  • Chemical-free purification
  • No filter replacement needed
  • Continuous operation
  • Reduces the risk of airborne diseases


  • Limited effectiveness on larger particles and odors
  • Limited coverage area and directionality
  • Potential health risks with prolonged exposure
  • Initial cost and energy consumption
  • May require regular maintenance and cleaning

Ionic Air Purifiers: Generating Fresh Air through Ionization

Ionic air purifiers use ionization technology to generate negative ions that attach themselves to positively charged particles in the air, such as dust and allergens.

Ionic air purifiers remove small charged particles like dust and allergens – Image Credit

This process causes the particles to become heavier and eventually settle on surfaces, effectively removing them from the air you breathe.

Ionic purifiers are known for their ability to freshen the air and reduce airborne particles. However, it’s worth noting that some models may produce ozone as a byproduct, so it’s important to choose an ionizer with low ozone emissions or opt for other types of purifiers if ozone is a concern.


  • Effective against some airborne particles
  • No filter replacement needed
  • Silent operation
  • Energy-efficient
  • Can help reduce allergens and irritants


  • Ozone production and potential health concerns
  • No filter replacement needed
  • Limited effectiveness on larger particles and odors
  • Limited coverage area
  • Can produce a small amount of residue or dust particles
  • Can help reduce allergens and irritants
  • Maintenance required for cleaning the plates

Ozone Generators: Effective for Odor Removal but Exercise Caution

Ozone generators are powerful purifiers designed to eliminate strong odors and kill mold, bacteria, and viruses.

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Ozone generator air purifiers are commonly used for commercial purposes under strict manufacturers’ guidelines- Image credit

These machines work by producing ozone, a molecule that reacts with and neutralizes odorous substances and harmful microorganisms.

While ozone generators can be highly effective in improving air quality, they should be used with caution. Ozone, in high concentrations, can be harmful to human health and may irritate the respiratory system.

Therefore, it is recommended to use ozone generators in unoccupied spaces or follow manufacturer instructions carefully to ensure safe usage.


  • Effective against odors and strong smells
  • Ozone production and potential health risks
  • Chemical-free purification
  • No filter replacement needed
  • Continuous operation


  • Ozone production and potential health risks
  • Can be harmful to humans and pets with prolonged exposure
  • Limited effectiveness on larger particles and allergens
  • Can cause respiratory irritation and breathing problems
  • Potential damage to materials and electronics


In our quest for cleaner and healthier air, air purifiers have become indispensable devices. Whether you’re dealing with allergies, odors, or concerns about germs, there is a wide range of air purifiers available to suit your specific needs.

HEPA purifiers excel in filtering fine particles, activated carbon purifiers tackle odors and chemicals, UV-C purifiers combat germs, ionic purifiers generate fresh air, and ozone generators effectively remove strong odors.

Choose the right type of air purifier based on your requirements, and breathe easier knowing that you’re taking steps to improve the air quality in your surroundings.



Q: Are air purifiers noisy?

A: The noise level of air purifiers varies depending on the model and fan speed settings. Many modern purifiers are designed to operate quietly, especially when used in lower settings.

It’s advisable to check the decibel ratings of the purifier before making a purchase if noise is a concern.

Q: How often should I replace the filters?

A: Filter replacement frequency depends on the type of purifier and its usage. HEPA filters generally last between six months to one year, while activated carbon filters may need replacement every three to six months.

UV-C purifiers require bulb replacement annually. Refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific recommendations.

Q: Can air purifiers help with allergies?

A: Yes, air purifiers with HEPA filters are particularly effective in removing allergens such as pollen, dust mites, and pet dander from the air.

They can significantly reduce allergy symptoms and improve the overall air quality indoors.

Q: Can I use an air purifier in my car?

A: Yes, there are portable air purifiers specifically designed for use in cars. These purifiers help remove pollutants and odors from the car cabin, ensuring a cleaner and fresher environment during your travels.

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