10 Surprising Sources of Indoor Air Pollution

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Surprising sources of indoor air pollution have become a debatable topic with raising indoor air pollution levels even in a low level of major air pollution contributors presence.

While most of us worry about, air quality degradation caused by wildfires, vehicle exhaust, and industrial emissions, there are hidden surprising sources of indoor air pollution that do a great job make your breath more insecure.

From today’s Know Your Facts let’s concern what these top surprising sources of indoor air pollution in our home, office which gives secret medical conditions. Read and enjoy the content.


With rising air pollution majority of the community is mainly concerned about the mega-level air pollution contributor sources.

But eventually, most individuals are experiencing day today’s respiratory system-based medical conditions, even though they are not often exposed to these ‘serious air pollutants sources’.

Meanwhile, there are also sources that often release air pollutants, which we often deal with, but no one cared about their presence.

These key hidden sources eventually build the relationship between you and various diseases as time pass. Let’s concern each one of them separately.

Benefits of the Essential Oils for Air Purification

Surprising Sources of Indoor Air Pollution

01. Scented Candles

Scented candles are often used for thousands of years as an ointment beauty and part of the gift-giving culture.

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Scented Candles – Surprising sources of indoor air pollution

Although most of these scented candles concerned as harmless from the outside, most of them release a wide range of chemicals into the air which leads to several respiratory medical conditions.

Many scented candles contain phthalates. It is an endocrine disruptor that can affect hormones in the body.

They can also release several types of harmful chemicals when burned. Other than using typical types of paraffin-scented candles, we can try to use essential oils or beeswax candles, which are much safer.

02. Air Fresheners

Air fresheners are another source of indoor air pollution. They often contain harmful chemicals such as :

  • Phthalates
  • Benzene
  • Formaldehyde
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Air Fresheners

which can cause a range of health problems. Including headaches, dizziness, and respiratory issues.

Make sure to not often use air fresheners. You can try opening windows to let in fresh air or use natural air purifiers such as plants.

03. Carpets

Carpets may look cozy, but they can be a significant source of indoor air pollution. They can harbor dust, mold, and other allergens that can cause respiratory issues.

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Carpets – Surprising sources of indoor air pollution

They can also contain harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde. Which can off-gas over time.

You can minimize the usage of the carpets. Other than that try using hardwood or tile floors. Or carpets made from natural materials are also quite a fit for your home.

04. Cleaning Products

Cleaning products may be essential for keeping our homes clean. But they have been identified as notable sources of indoor air pollution. Many cleaning products contain harmful chemicals such as

  • Ammonia
  • Bleach
  • Phthalates

These chemicals can cause respiratory issues and other health problems.

Instead of using harsh chemicals, we can try natural cleaning products such as vinegar and baking soda.

05. Paint

Surprising sources of indoor air pollution -

Paint may be necessary for home renovation. Most of the paints are developed as a by-product of the petroleum development process.

Most of these types of paints include volatile organic compounds(VOCs). These are identified as harmful air pollutants to human health and the reason for other types of air pollutants like ozone.

Many paints contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can cause a range of health problems, including

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Respiratory issues.

Other than using traditional paint, we can try to use low-VOC or zero-VOC paint, which is much safer.

How to Improve Your Air Quality During Home Construction?

06. Furniture

In general, furniture is just a utility to the outside which even have a notable level of health impact on our lives.

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Composite wood furniture

But the hidden one of the common surprising sources of indoor air pollution is furniture made from composite wood. Those can contain formaldehyde and other harmful chemicals.

Instead of buying furniture made from composite wood, try choosing furniture made from solid wood or natural materials.

07. Dry-Cleaning

For the several types of cloth cleaning processes, dry cleaning is quite essential and often use in garment sectors. Lately with industrial development, self-dry cleaning facilities are also available which can be done by yourself.

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Dry cleaning products – Surprising sources of indoor air pollution

Although dry cleaning uses several cleaning products often there are also surprising sources of indoor air pollution.

Many dry-cleaning solvents contain harmful chemicals such as perchloroethylene (PERC). It can cause respiratory issues and other health problems.

Instead of using dry cleaning, we can try to wash our clothes with natural detergents. Or you can take the help of a professional wet cleaner who uses non-toxic solvents.

08. Printer Ink

Ink printers are often used lately as a stationary need and have become a home using utility instead of office areas.

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Printer ink is a serious air pollutant

Although this printer ink does not seem like a harmful thing did you know it is also one of the famous surprising sources of indoor air pollution?

Especially in indoor areas this printer ink release several chemicals. Such as toluene and benzene. Instead of using traditional ink cartridges, we can try using eco-friendly ink or refillable cartridges.

09. Pet Dander

Pet dander is quite serious, but not often a common air pollutant in most of homes. Due to their lightweight, they can easily travel everywhere transporting their allergy risk.

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Pet dander

Also, pet dander, saliva, and urine can all contain allergens that can cause respiratory issues.
Proper cleaning and grooming of pets minimize this exposure and control your allergy symptom at a notable level.

10. Gas Stoves

Use of the gas stoves has been reduced with the development of the stoves technology. But home gas stoves are one of the dangerous air pollutants developed while operation.

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Gas stoves Surprising sources of indoor air pollution

With a low level of oxygen present while operating it also releases carbon monoxide.

If you have a gas stove make sure to well maintain it for better performance. Other than that operate it under better ventilation available movements.

The Importance of Proper Ventilation in Bathrooms and Kitchens


Q: How can I know whether my indoor atmosphere is polluted or not?

A: The best way is to notice the changes which feel to guts. Sometimes it might be musty or unpleasant odors. Also, you may feel a bit of discomfort. Other than that you can check it with an indoor air quality monitor.

Q: How to improve your indoor air quality?

A: So simple things:

  • Keep open windows to let in the fresh air,
  • Use natural air purifiers such as plants
  • Use non-toxic cleaning products.

Q: What is the HVAC filter replacement period?

A: Filter replacement may vary depending on the manufacturer. It may 3-6-9 months in general. But filters can run out with exposure and existence of the air pollutants at the movement.

How to Chose the Right Air Purifier For Your Home


Although there are a number of serious air pollutants behind the degradation of indoor air quality, there are surprising sources of indoor air pollution. By taking proper steps and fixing the impact of those sources we can easily develop eco-friendly environments with lesser air pollution present.

Read Us More. Know Your Facts

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