Why May is a Critical Month for Air Quality in Urban Areas

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The air quality in urban areas rapidly changes with air pollution sources’ behavior throughout the year. As we are still in the mid of May, most of the urban places around the country experiencing notable levels of air pollution rise up.

Although some of them do not care about it as a notable factor, several age categories or community groups in our society may practically experience this difference as a critical health factor. Especially if you are living in urban areas.

From today’s Know Your Facts we are going to concern about the impact of the air quality in the urban areas, especially this May month, and what can we do to manage the situation as citizens. Read and enjoy.

Understanding Air Quality in Urban Areas

Before we go further it is important to have a proper idea of the importance of this air quality concept in a specific area in the first place.

Air quality has been identified as the purity of the selected atmospheric area from air pollutants. Due to the number of air pollutants released by the sources like industrial emissions, vehicles engine exhaust, and another number of natural and artificial our breath gets polluted day by day. Especially in urban areas.

Scientists and authorities have figured out specific levels of the existence of these air pollutants in our atmosphere and any pass of those limits is an avoidable call for a number of respiratory and serious medical conditions.

May is the Perfect Time to Upgrade Your Air Quality: Here’s Why

Why May is Critical for Air Quality

May is a critical month for air quality in our urban areas for several reasons. First, the weather conditions in May can contribute to an increase in air pollution levels. In many parts of the world, May is a transitional month between spring and summer.

During this time, a lot of the dry wind can be expected all over. Although this condition dilutes the air pollutants, other than it is a good reason to spread it throughout the states.

Additionally, in some areas, May is a month of increased wildfires.

This condition is a good reason to generate and spread smoke and other pollutants into the air.

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May is the beginning of the warmer seasons

• Warmer weather: Warmer weather in May can lead to increased levels of ground-level ozone, a harmful pollutant that can cause respiratory problems and other health issues.

• More people outdoors: As the weather gets warmer, more people are likely to spend time outdoors, which can increase their exposure to air pollution.

• Increased agricultural activity: In May, farmers are often busy planting crops, which can lead to increased levels of air pollution from pesticides and other agricultural chemicals.

• Construction season: May is also the start of construction season in many parts of the world, which can lead to increased levels of air pollution from dust and other construction-related pollutants.

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Construction activities are a clear reason for to degradation of air quality in urban areas

May is a month of increased outdoor activity in urban areas.

When people reach warmer seasons try to stay outside and engage in activities. More specifically, there is a higher level of travel that can be noticed in May which eventually uses vehicles more often.

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Health Risks of Poor Air Quality

Health impacts are one serious and common issue of bad quality in urban areas. As more urbanized areas are coming with high population density, there is a notably higher chance of you are getting sick when you often exposed to bad air quality. But if you represent:

  • Elderly Community
  • Kids and toddlers age group
  • Have any long diseases like heart problems
  • Have respiratory medical conditions like asthma or allergies
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Kids and the elderly community is someone of the most vulnerable group to air pollution

You should give priority to ensuring urban air quality protection for others.

Because the most common health effects of air pollution include respiratory problems such as

  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Cardiovascular problems such as heart disease and stroke.

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How to Protect Yourself

As an individual, there are a number of things you can manage to do to control these issues of air quality in our urban areas.

First, try to avoid spending time outdoors during times of high air pollution levels.

Make sure to have a look at the air quality index in your area before outside visits. Authorities give daily updates about air quality behavior in states, even in small counties accurately. Make sure to take benefit of that facility for better protection.

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Wear masks to ensure the better air quality in our urban areas

Also, if you must go outside during times of high air pollution levels, wear a mask that can filter out pollutants.

In any case of an emergency or air quality degradation use a face mask for your protection.

Here are some additional tips for protecting your health during the month of May:

• Check the air quality forecast before you go outside. There are a number of air quality forecast facilities for your area online or by calling your local air quality agency.

• Wear a mask. If you must go outside, wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth. A mask can help to filter out pollutants from the air.

• Avoid strenuous activity outdoors. When you take more effort, there is a higher demand for oxygen need to be fulfilled.

So you have a higher chance of getting exposed to air pollutants eventually. If you need to exercise outside make sure to try periods like mornings and afternoons with lesser levels of air pollution exist.

• Drink plenty of fluids. Drinking plenty of fluids can help to keep your airways moist and help to clear out pollutants.

• Stay indoors on days with poor air quality. If you need to go outside make sure to stay more time in areas like low public available areas, near trees, or parking areas which have reasonably good air quality in our urban areas.

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Minimize the outdoor activities

• Take breaks. Take breaks from the air conditioning or fan to avoid over-drying your airways.

Air conditioning and fans are a reason to dry out your airways. It increases the exposure to air pollution impact compared with typical airways.

• Meet your doctor. If you are suffering from any allergy or asthmatic type respiratory medical condition make sure to take your doctor’s guidelines in this period to face changes in air quality in urban areas.

Finally, consider taking steps to reduce your own contribution to air pollution. Make sure to do your part. Then everyone will make better air quality in our urban areas for better breathing eventually.

The Connection Between Air Pollution and Heart Health


What are the main sources that impact on air quality in urban areas?

That depends. Most of the city’s transportation systems and traffic is a major reason to degrade the air quality in urban areas.

How does air pollution affect health?

Air pollution impact our respiratory system mainly and indirectly worse most type of other serious medical conditions.

What is the air quality index?

Air quality index(AQI) standard measurement of deciding the air pollutant level in a specific area. Most organizations use it as an indicator of showing the quality of the atmosphere in certain situations.

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May is the critical time period that starts the hot seasonal climate which leads to an impact on the air quality in our urban areas.

Poor air quality is a big reason for to spread of respiratory medical conditions and other serious issues more quickly.

Other than keeping our indoor areas safe make sure to keep your air quality in our urban areas at a better level for everyone’s protection.

Although government contribution does a great job. individuals’ performance is the key to keeping everyone safe and healthy.


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