6 Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality

grand father and grand daughter

Seasonal climate change directly impacts indoor ventilation throughout this summer. Regarding this situation, air quality in our homes can be quickly demolished for various reasons.

In this article, we will talk about easy tips we can try to improve indoor air quality and maintain it for your better health assurance. So stay with Know Your Facts. Read and enjoy.

1. Let the Fresh Breeze Come in

Having proper ventilation is crucial to eventually maintaining the well indoor air quality. According to the EPA records, indoor air quality is much worse than outdoor because limited space does not dilute the allergens indoor atmosphere.

Even though most of the community uses several air purification techniques, the least care about staying windows open for a couple of hours as a daily routine.

Nevertheless, practically, there are two sides to this condition.

According to the CDC’s reports on Rural and Urban Differences in Air Quality, air quality in urban areas has been quite polluted since the 21 century. So that practical situation is it is hard to find a little air polluted time in city areas.

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Open your windows for few hours to improve indoor air quality

You can refer to the site – Air Now to better understand outdoor air quality in your area and its behavior in real-time.

Find the least polluted period and let the breeze refresh them indoors for several hours. Besides that, keeping your windows all the day is a quite waste of clean indoor area (if you currently living in a city).

On the other hand, remote areas have a different situation. They do not even care about outdoor pollution. Due to free clean atmosphere.

Other than this, if you have got heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system, called HVAC, regular cleanup is much more beneficial than just open windows.

2. Clean Rugs and Carpets

Even though we do not think about having cleaned rugs and carpets as a big thing, they prevent the spread of several pathogens and keep the indoor atmosphere refreshed. Mostly on rainy days and winters.

Most of the time, carpets are the welcomers of outside impurities. Other than that, they capture any contaminants too.

Mostly like dust mites, pet dander, cockroach allergens, particle pollution, lead, mold spores, pesticides, dirt, dust, etc. On the other hand, uncleaned rugs contain several wipes off and unhygienic impurities.

Therefore, these rags and carpets eventually provide suitable habitats to stay and grow millions and pathogens in indoor areas.

These can easily lead to creating several odors and spread of allergen in your home, even providing valuable clues.

Most carpets are more suitable for deep dry steam cleaning than vacuum cleaning in the cleaning process. In vacuum cleaning, carpets can easily agitate pathogens and release them into the indoor atmosphere.

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Unclean carpets and rugs make indoor odors -Improve Indoor Air Quality

After cleaning at a deep level, make sure to dry them as better as you possible. Most carpets need a 6-12 months per time regular deep cleanup process. Other than that, daily brush up better location is much more suitable.

Also, washing rugs after usage is much more suitable, unlike carpets. Most of the community uses them repeatedly without washing them up or letting them dry. Then suddenly wonder about a mysterious odor in your rooms.

Most rag fabrics can absorb water and lead to many pathogens’ habitats, unlike carpets. Therefore, even if you use them, try to keep them dry under the sun worm.

3. Control Indoor Humidity

Uncontrolled humidity always leads to damage to the building, not only from the side of the air quality but also impacts the materials like floors and walls.

According to the EPA, a higher level of moisture lead to the growth of Mold inside the rooms and lead to an allergen situation.

According to a 1985 research published by ASHRAE transactions, uncontrolled humidity levels lead to the development of several pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

According to that, there is an optimum humidity range from 40% to 60 %, with the least amount of following growths and functionalities.

  1. Bacteria growth
  2. Viruses growth
  3. Fungi growth
  4. Mites activity
  5. Allergic rhinitis and asthma
  6. Chemical interactions
  7. Ozone production
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Humidity Lead to easy mold inside the walls – Improve indoor air quality

There are several things we can manage to control indoor humidity.

  1. Try Humidifier/Dehumidifier
  2. Open windows
  3. Do not dry your laundry indoor
  4. Clean the gutters
  5. Fix the pipe leaks
  6. Reduce the hot showers

Trying the humidifier mentioned here as an option for increasing humidity. Other than that, every other step is standing to decrease indoor humidity.

4. Maintain the Proper Hygiene

Lack of cleanliness is one of the significant air quality breaking down factors. It eventually leads to odors, insects, and other kinds of animal attraction and the development of millions of pathogens.

Several things create the decline of proper hygiene and develop lousy air quality.

  1. Not maintaining the personal hygiene
  2. Not cleaning the laundry regularly
  3. No proper garbage disposal
  4. No proper indoor clean up regularly

This situation has become worst with the pandemic “work at home” concept. People are less interested in keeping their hygiene clean due to spending 24/7 working at home.

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Do your laundry to Improve indoor air quality

With the technology, because everything is available to your doorstep at a distance of a fingertip, people do not bother much to keep indoor cleanliness.

5. Try an Air Purifier

Air purifiers are pretty helpful when are is a noticeable level of a bad indoor atmosphere.

Besides that, air purifiers are beneficial while sleeping and unnoticeable pollutant level increment, which is a health-hazardous condition.

Air purifiers filter most air pollutants and other indoor foul odor developing factors at the airborne level. Depending on your requirements, you can select advanced filtration air purifications.

Air purifiers in the market with different capacities and price tags confuse us the most. Most of them maintain the brand value behind these products, which leads to suitable materials, high performance, and a long-lasting lifetime.

6. Place Indoor Plants

Having an air purifier or any cleaning machines is quite good in the bedroom. Nevertheless, can they decorate your bedroom as well as plants? That is because plants are alive, and they also have suitable air purification even without touching your bills.

improve indoor air quality
Indoor plants are the best way to improve indoor air quality naturally

Here is a list of plants you can try to place in your bedroom for air purification.

  1. English Ivy
  2. Bamboo Palm
  3. Dragon Tree
  4. Mother-in-Law’s Tongue
  5. Peace Lily
  6. Spider Plant
  7. Parlor Palm
  8. Aloe Vera
  9. Broad Lady Palm
  10. Ficus

Natural Air Purification – Read More

They can give a refreshing atmosphere even by watching.

If you are also planning to place a plant inside your room, make a proper selection. All kinds of plants cannot correctly do air purification and specific groups.

Some of them exhale CO2 at night, which is quite dangerous to keep in the bedroom.

Read More – Top 6 Quiet Air Purifiers in 2022

Read More – Air Purifier Pros and Cons in 2022

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